Matt, coaches, and some of the players headed to Jordan to scout a game tonight. The regular basketball season is winding down and we are nearing playoffs. This could be a potential team to play in sections so it is good for the team to get them scoped out. These days get long when Matt is gone all day and night but he and G'pa Gary had time to have supper tonight before they left so it made it an enjoyable meal.
I am going to start adding something new to the end of each of my blogs called the "Golden Nugget of the Day." I saw this in another blog that I read and it is a great reminder to remember the good that happened in each day. It is easy to get to the end of a day and feel tired, crabby, and overwhelmed...especially having two little ones. I don't want to forget about all the blessings that God is allowing me to have an experience so hence...the Golden Nugget!
Golden Nugget of the Day: Tonight Cameron, Emmy and I had a very special story time. We built a fort and took our books and a flashlight in and read for a half an hour. We had so much fun and it makes me smile to have such special times with my kids.
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