School begins at 8:30am so we were there by 8:10am as I had some questions and I wanted to make sure he knew where to go if he needed to use the bathroom. As soon as he walked into his classroom he was off and smiling. He was so excited and it was a great feeling knowing he was comfortable being there. Ms. Palla is awesome and Cameron loves her after only one day. The theme of the week is "Bears" so he got to bring his favorite teddy bear and they learned about bears today. Another highlight was that he got to be the line leader!
It was an odd feeling after dropping Cameron off and walking away with only Emmy in my arms. We went to the grocery store and it was odd to not have two kids in the cart. Emmy and I went home and played and read books. It was very fun but different to not have them both at home. It made me happy to know that he is only at school for part of one day.
When I picked him up he was jumping up and down with excitement of what he learned and did during his day. We are glad to know he made it through his very first day of school!
More to come later...
Boy oh boy ... you couldn't tell he was excited by the pictures :) Like you said what a wonderful feeling.