Monday, March 22, 2010

Moms' Know Best....or at least try to!!

Cameron and Emmy have both been sick in the last week. Cameron got the stomach flu last Tuesday and even though I thought he was better on Thursday he was throwing up again. As much as these two are together sharing their love and germs, Emmy was throwing up on Friday morning.

The thing I love about little ones is that they can throw up one minute and the next minute they are smiling and laughing. It melted my heart when Cameron got sick on Thursday and in the next breath he said "mommy can we still go to the park!" Each time my kids have been sick, I learn to grow a little more observant, a little more adaptable to my own plans, and a lot more patient!

Today, we woke up to Emmy screaming! It was a type of screaming we hadn't experienced from her before and so it really stumped us. It was if she was in pain. She didn't want to eat, she didn't want to drink, she could not be consoled and it seemed there was nothing we could do for her. She seemed to be tugging her ear so I instantly thought...ear infection. She felt a little warm but didn't have much of a temp at the time. My mommy instincts kicked in and called the doctor to set up an appointment in the can never be sure with little ones that cannot fully communicate! By the time we got to the doctor she had calmed to her normal self and of course she was all smiles for him. We came out of the office with a happy and healthy baby. I thought for sure she had something but she is great...we are so thankful for this!! At this point I felt very sheepish and I think the doctor wondered if I had it all together or not. I couldn't help but think to myself that moms do know best and I probably would have been sorry if I had not brought her in.

Even though I am constantly trying to think I know everything when it comes to my own kids...I really don't. I have to admit that many times it feels like trial and error and a lot of prayer! My chosen verse of the week hits the nail on the head for me today and always when it comes to raising kids. I really need God's wisdom and help to raise would be really hard to do so without it! I think I can better claim that this mom knows best when God helps me know best!

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5 (NIV)

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