Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Berry Picking

Someone has been eating all of the berries we've been picking....

I think I found the culprit....

One of the best parts of this season and something that Cameron and Emmy love to do each summer is pick berries. Each year we are fortunate to have black raspberries growing wild all around our house so it is easy to get out and pick. This year we also ventured out to a local strawberry patch in Northfield to pick strawberries. Lots of fun and something I will always love doing as a family.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sibling Bonds

Don't want to foget this one...

Tuesday morning I was doing the dishes and Cameron and Emmy were playing outside. All of a sudden, Emmy comes running through the door, grabs the wet wipes and bolts out the door again. I peeked out the door and watched her run full blast to her big brother who was squatting in the tall weeds...doing his big job! She hands him the wipes in her little "here you go Cameron" and is back to playing.

I remember many people saying that these two would be close as they were only 18 months apart. Even though we have days with lots of screaming and fighting it can't beat these moments of sister helping brother in his moment of need!